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Tuff Horses
Tuff Horses

Black Hanoverian Gelding
Stands 16.0 hands
Born in 2003
A steady perfect boy, Alaska is a serious horse that translates to his work with our kids. Needing to understand things clearly, he offers kids the chance to explore new things together. Alaska keeps an eye on everything while also taking such good care of his rider. Alaska spent a long time working in the Musical Ride and has many travel miles under his hoofs.

Paint Warmblood Mare
Born 2002
This magnificent and flashy warmblood competed successfully as an upper level eventer. As she rose upward into the higher levels, Beezie found competition stressful. Thankfully her owners decided a life at Jewel View was the answer!
Although Beezie is particular about people, she adores the Tuff kids and looks forward to being with them. Beezie rides with the kids and shows them the “professional” way to approach everything from poles to barrels. A dedicated participant, as well as a favourite with the kids and other horses, it's a win/win for everyone to have Beezie in the program!!!
Born 2002
This magnificent and flashy warmblood competed successfully as an upper level eventer. As she rose upward into the higher levels, Beezie found competition stressful. Thankfully her owners decided a life at Jewel View was the answer!
Although Beezie is particular about people, she adores the Tuff kids and looks forward to being with them. Beezie rides with the kids and shows them the “professional” way to approach everything from poles to barrels. A dedicated participant, as well as a favourite with the kids and other horses, it's a win/win for everyone to have Beezie in the program!!!

Black Warmblood Gelding
Stands 16.2 hands
Born in 2004
Joining us in 2023, this stunning gelding has settled into the ‘Tuff’ life and has started to take part in our program with our advanced groups. Although Brodie attended the Vancouver Olympics as a part of the RCMP Musical Ride in 2010, the crowds and the spotlight were not his favourite and was more suited for the RCMP Riding School in Ottawa before becoming a Tuff Horse. Brodie comes in with a lot of bravado but underneath it all, is really a sensitive soul with a bit of a goofy side. He always enjoys being told he’s handsome but really loves a quiet moment to connect with his rider. Brodie loves to ride with the other RCMP horses showing off his skills at matching stride!

Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
Stands 15.2 hands
Born in 2006
This man is the homebred baby of Tuff- he was literally born for this job! Bubba is goofy and charming and always spends as much time snuggling with his riders as he can get away with! He is exceptionally kind and sweet and wrinkles up his nose like a bunny when he's happy! Bubba is super sensitive and tunes in deeply to his rider, looking to them to reassure him and be in control, so he's very good at bringing out confidence and leadership skills.

Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
Stands 15.0 hands
Born in 2008
Charlie says:
“I am a beautiful horse who is mindful of others, I like everyone to feel welcome and cared for. I like to joke around and play, everything’s better when it’s in my mouth. I have sensitive feet so I walk on the grass anytime I can. I like it when my rider brings a calm energy and takes care of me.”
The kids say:
“Charlie is so funny, he always wants to cuddle and get hugs. He listens to his heart when riding and loves being told he’s a good boy. He constantly wants attention and we love giving it to him. We love Charlie!”

Chestnut Quarter Horse cross Gelding
Stands 15.3 hands
Born in 2010
Chico is a regular guest in the program. A beautiful Chestnut Quarter Horse with a flaxen mane and tail. His time is generously donated by his owner Alexis Pattison. Chico has a fun disposition and loves playing with his "kids". Chico gets down to business when it's time to work, but is also happy to play and act a bit silly at times, endearing him further to his riders. He is so smart, opens and closes his stall door, and gives kisses!

Bay Quarter Horse Mare
Stands 15.0 hands
Born in 2001
Princess of the farm, George is an enthusiastic participant in the riding program. George is a gorgeous mahogany bay Quarter Horse. With the facilitator on her back, George shows the kids all the steps and stages. Not a huge fan of kids riding her, but will step up if there is a drastic need. George explains very well that horses can speak to each other without words, as she is not fond of the geldings and makes her feelings known by entertaining us with her facial expressions. George is first to put on a costume for any occasion and always struts her stuff with great pride.
Stands 15.0 hands
Born in 2001
Princess of the farm, George is an enthusiastic participant in the riding program. George is a gorgeous mahogany bay Quarter Horse. With the facilitator on her back, George shows the kids all the steps and stages. Not a huge fan of kids riding her, but will step up if there is a drastic need. George explains very well that horses can speak to each other without words, as she is not fond of the geldings and makes her feelings known by entertaining us with her facial expressions. George is first to put on a costume for any occasion and always struts her stuff with great pride.

Bay Warmblood Mare
Stands 16.0 hands
Born in 1997
A retired superstar eventer, Kameo is a sophisticated Warmblood mare. Kameo works regularly with our advanced riders as she is an expert. Kameo knows her job and is delighted to assist her rider to reach new levels of excellence! Kameo is gentle, sweet and loves to snuggle with her riders during downtime.
When there is a job to be done, Kameo takes this very seriously and gets down to business.
Through the generosity of her owner Lois Brown, we are always thrilled when she makes her "Kameo" appearances.

Black Warmblood Gelding
Stands 16.0 hands
Born in 1992
Kracker is our resident barn clown! He is known for his sense of humour and always keeps his riders laughing. Before coming to Jewel View, Kracker's main job was teaching RCMP recruits how to ride AND he also pulled the official RCMP carriage. He was in charge of pulling the royal carriage when members of the royal family visited Ottawa.
He even pulled Her Majesty the Queen in the Landau. Kracker is very expressive with his emotions, and when he's feeling good he flaps his lips to let you know just how happy he is!

Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
Stands 15.3 hands
Born in 2010
Nick is a wonderful addition to the program. Coming all the way from Alberta, this western bred Quarter Horse has a gigantic heart and loves his work with the kids. Nick takes his time with all his kids, and nothing seems to bother him. He loves a cuddle, and his favourite is being groomed by his rider. Nick pays close attention to everything going on, but nothing ruffles him. Playful, sweet, and a part of our ever-growing chestnut Quarter Horse troop.

Black Warmblood Gelding
Stands 17.00 hands
Born in 1996
Oracle is a bit of a celebrity and we were thrilled to have him join us in 2023. He was the longest serving horse in the RCMP Musical Ride and we can see why! This guy is all business and loves a meet and greet with his fans. It took Oracle a little while to embrace a slower pace of life (we have to remind him he’s off duty!), and now loves hanging out with his paddock mates swapping stories about visiting the Queen and performing all over the world. His confidence and professionalism under saddle is contagious, and he gives his riders the feeling that they have been riding their whole lives!

Liver Chestnut Warmblood Gelding
Stands 16.2 hands
Born in 2003
We are so grateful to have this handsome man on our roster. With his owner, Brett Jaggard, Rhumba evented and was a jack of all trades. He has now transitioned to being one of our star program horses. He is such a character who really enjoys getting down to work. His quiet, keen energy under saddle always helps his rider gain confidence and is quick to form an amazing partnership. Rhumba loves a rider that wants to march on and has a plan!

Black Warmblood Gelding
Stands 16.3 hands
Born in 2000
An RCMP favourite, Teddy is another big gentle giant. Teddy has just started in the Tuff program, and is loving the attention he gets from all the kids. Teddy likes to understand first and then try, as many of his riders do, building a wonderful partnership. Teddy is a long serving member of the Musical Ride and even had a plush toy named after him. Another superstar, finding a career in his retirement!

Black Warmblood Gelding
Stands 16.3 hands
Born in 2001
New to our program, Mr Personality, reminds us all of Walsh, very chilled out, travelled with the Musical Ride, and even has a CBC documentary under his belt documenting his visit to Windsor Castle. A real snuggler, Viper quickly understood his new role as a Tuff horse. He loves everything he does and bonds quickly with his rider, letting them know he's got this! Viper gives confidence to his riders both on the ground and when they are on his back. A true gentle giant, fast becoming a cornerstone of Tuff!

Black Warmblood Gelding
Stands 16.1 hands
Born in 2002
Walsh is a crowd favourite and is always ready for his close up. This handsome boy came to us after many years of performing on the RCMP musical ride. He was purchased from the RCMP Horse Auction in October 2018 and generously donated by David Prichard and Heather Hayne to become an integral part of our program. It didn't take him long to get used to his new home, and captivate the hearts of the most apprehensive youth!
Walsh is a very affectionate gentleman, his motto being "who needs to work when you can snuggle instead!"
In Memoriam

Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
16.0 hands
Tuff is the founding horse and namesake of the Tuff Therapeutic Riding Foundation, and with very good reason. Tuff started the program with Ellen even before they moved to Jewel View. Tuff began his work with Child Welfare youth who were living in residential treatment, he gave them confidence and self esteem and continued his work when Jewel View became home. Tuff was the first horse in the program, bringing kids his special blend of unconditional love and attitude to all his work with them. Tuff loved his kids and took very good care of them, making sure they felt loved and safe. His attitude was legendary, as he displayed his unique personality always. As a result an award was named in his honour, the Tuff Attitude Award is given each session to the youth who comes regularly with the best attitude. Attitude is everything and a positive attitude is what Tuff embodied.
The naming of the Foundation after Tuff is a tribute to him and his legacy prevails!

Loaned by Barb Nettleton
Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
15.2 Hands
Flash volunteered in the program for many years and started in the very beginning with Tuff. Flash was known as the biggest confidence builder. When the kids rode him, they said they could do anything!
Flash was a retired Quarter Horse champion and enjoyed his life with his best friend and owner Barb, and loved taking care of the kids.
Flash was always happy to participate in any and all things involving the people in his life. His presence is greatly missed. He is still talked about often.
One of a kind Mr. Flash Man!

Donated by Bob Rose
Chestnut Quarter Horse Gelding
15.3 hands
Kody was a horse with a giant personality! This dude was an ex-barrel racer and he was not shy about expressing himself, making him an expert in teachings riders how to read body language and speak horse! Kody may have acted tough sometimes, but he was soft at heart, and although it might have taken a little more time for his riders to figure him out, once they did he was a true partner. Kody was often called our "magnifying mirror" because he didn't just mirror his rider's emotions - he magnified them times 10! Kody worked well with riders who were particularly sensitive, and was a master at reflecting his riders' emotions back at them. With his western background, Kody taught his riders to let go and stay in the present moment. We miss him terribly!

Donated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Black Hanoverian Gelding 17.3 hands
Rocamo was the biggest horse that we have ever had in the program, but boy did he have a heart to match his size. Roc was incredibly handsome and charming with loads of personality, and he bonded very deeply with his riders. Rocamo was very smart and could be cheeky when left to his own devices, so he taught his riders how to be gentle but firm leaders - and the importance of always having a plan!
His name Ro-Ca-Mo stands for Royal Canadian Mounted, and he used to be the lead horse in the RCMP musical ride before coming to spend the last chapter of his life at Jewel View.
Rocamo LOVED to sniff hair, and would happily stand for hours with his nose buried in his rider's hair. He was also the master of giving himself serious mud baths and was known to be caked in mud by the end of most spring days.
Rocamo was an exceptionally special horse and we are devastated to have lost this unique boy. We feel very lucky to have been a part of his life, and will never forget the impact that he made on so many lives and on our program as a whole.

Donated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Black Trakehner Gelding 16.1 hands
Matt was known around the barn for his intelligence and his super serious attitude. We used to joke that he was up at night doing math equations and science experiments in his stall! A former horse in the RCMP Musical Ride, Matt travelled all around the world performing before spending the last five years of his life enjoying his forever home at Jewel View.
When Matt started out in a lesson he would kick things off with his famous 'power walk' - just his way of letting us know he was ready to go and taking his job seriously! He was exceptionally kind and never put a foot wrong - even with such a fast walk, he made all his riders feel very safe.
Matt loved Tic-Tacs, going out for hacks and his best friend was Kracker, who he was known to share a stall with on occasion.
We are heartbroken to have lost Matt but we are forever grateful for the time we got to spend with him. Thank you Matt for your years of dedication to our program; the patience and kindness you showed all of us will never be forgotten.

Bay Haflinger X Hackney Mare
14.2 hands
Born in 1994
Jeannie was a fabulous member of the riding program, bringing a huge personality in a little body. You would have to hang on if you were riding Jeannie, as she loved to go, although also kept her rider safe as she marched on. A mini firecracker, huge brown eyes and adorable little ears, Jeannie took her role in the program very seriously, but was always ready for fun. We are so grateful for many years with this beautiful girl.

1995 - 2023
Donated by Laura O'Brien
Dark Bay Hessen Gelding
16.0 hands



1994 - 2024
Donated by Larkin Ridpath
Gray Swiss Warmblood Gelding
16.2 hands
Affectionately known as Saint Carusso, this guy just may have been the sweetest horse in the world. Carusso was very affectionate and liked to give people hugs by wrapping his whole neck around them.
Gentle and kind, Carusso was the master of making his rider feel safe. He was the perfect mount for riders who were timid or unsure about horses as he was very reassuring and kept things at a very slow pace - sometimes maybe even too slow! He did hold the title of being the slowest horse in the program, but he taught persistence and perseverance!
In his younger years Carusso did extensive Dressage showing with his previous owner and this training made him very in tune with his riders. We already miss this special horse and his presence on the farm.
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